Discover How to Master

Get a step-by-step plan to pronounce words properly and erase all the hesitation while you’re presenting a presentation.

No more hesitation.

No more worrying after a public speaking engagement.

Your Pronunciation

I help professionals speak English clearly so that they won’t be overlooked.

Most professionals won’t tell you about your mistakes. They’ll do one or two things: They’ll nod their heads as if they don’t have an issue with it or begin to avoid speaking with you without communicating the reason why they’re not interested anymore.

LaDoris Bell

What to expect


Discover what not to do and why it dangerous to not respect the boundaries of tongue positions in American English. I’ll teach you 10 tongue positions and how to smooth out your accent without eliminating it. I know that sounds fabulous, doesn’t it!?


Turn your mic on and get coached on topics that include pronunciation, accent, and skills to help you manage your emotions. As adults, we like to wear a mask and pretend our feelings don’t get hurt about the way we speak English, but I already that’s not true. I’ve created a safe place for you to thrive.

Get a Recording of the Session

You’ll receive the training in your inbox to review once the training is completed. This is to ensure you can focus while you’re in the training session.

List of Guidelines

The reason why you panic when it’s time to talk is because you need to learn some rules about pronunciation. Unfortunately, we can’t make up our own system of sounds in English. Smile. :)

90 Day Pronunciation training

In this comprehensive 90 virtual training, we meet weekly, 12 live sessions plus 6 to 12 optional bonus hours.Competent skills covered include:

  • Tongue placement for upgrading pronunciation skills

  • If needed accent training to sound more natural

  • Lessons on connected speech and more

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