One Mistake You’re Making with Shy Kids

An opinion I could totally keep to myself, but I’m not going to.

Gathering a huddle around a shy child and asking them question after question won’t make them talk. 

I grew up feeling as if I had a heavy mask on my face. 

In class I was the super shy kid, I was overlooked because I was so quiet that teachers felt blessed to have me as a student. I never said much at all.

They had to attend to the trouble-makers and that requires time

One day, my teacher took me in the hallway and asked me a series of questions. Once she realized she wasn’t going to be successful, she pulled in more teachers.

At that point, when they were speaking to me, I was blocking them out. I felt outnumbered.

Shy kids don't need more people all at once trying to make them talk. 

I can’t remember how long they had me in the hallway, but I never said anything to them even though they pulled my sister out of class to help crack the code with me. 😅

I just told myself, ‘I’ll see her later and talk to her then.’

I was so shy 🙈 it took me years to overcome them but I can help your child overcome this sooner than I did. 

As a parent, what would you have liked them to do with your child? 

#confidencecoach #kidscoach #speechcoach


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